Current game: Tales of Graces F
Platform: PS3
Current play through: 1
Current game completion (if known): Finished main and future arc.
Current party (if applicable): Hubert (Main), Asbel, Sophie & Cheria (Once Cheria gets 100 titles trophy switching back to Sophie)
Current level(s) (if applicable): 100
Current location: Zhonecage
Current in game clock time: 100+ Hours
How have you been using your in game time?: To play?
Current objective: Getting the materials for Asbels weapon
Next objective: 5000ish Eleth then a NG+ to do a platinum run.
Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: The gameplay is nice though combos break a little too easily/randomly, the Inn request side quests are boring but the other sidequests are ok. The story is quite bland but the F arc was mildly interesting. The characters are ok, though also on the generic side.
Total game overs?: ?
Favorite event so far: Probably the Malik+Sophie skits.
Favorite character and why: Sophie is moe and easy to play. A shame I can't hear her voiced by KanaHana.
Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect):
Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 3.5
Comments: This is my first Tales of game, it got mentioned a lot for it's interesting battle system and I would have gotten it much earlier but I decided to wait for the EU Collectors edition which was nice. A bit annoyed that it doesn't have dual audio but Japan is really weird with their licensing. A shame there is no English Vesperia on the PS3 but I will most likely get Tales of Xillia and maybe the others if they get localized.